January 2022 - Portal in Abstract

I am so (SO) excited to show you this month's candle. I'm sure no one else will be nearly as excited for it as I am but I just think this marks the beginning of a cool new era. Maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know. They'll all be different (but with the same shapes and similar colors) but here's the first one:

I bought this modeling beeswax after seeing someone use it online and I thought WOW! THAT'S IT! There are so many exciting possibilities. Unless you're vegan in which case any month I feature a candle that has modeling wax, you can request anything you want (within my capabilities of course). I also have plans to release cow print as a regular pattern. The modeling wax is cool because it's extremely forgiving (unlike using chunks of wax like in the terrazzo candles). They're cut easily and then attach to the candle using the heat from your hands. I'm also going to integrate it into my workshops at some point.

So anyway, I really can't overstate how excited I am to mess around with this stuff and see what works. If you have any suggestions or things you'd like me to try, let me know!

Taylor Evans